Building Rust-GPU

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. optional Install SPIRV-Tools and add it to your PATH. You can skip this step if you just want to run examples with the defaults. See Using installed SPIRV-Tools if you decide to go with this option.

  3. Next, look at the examples folder. There are two kinds of targets here: [runners] and [shaders]. The projects inside shaders are "GPU crates", i.e. ones that will be compiled to one or more SPIR-V modules. The runner projects are normal, CPU crates that use some graphics backend (currently, we have a wgpu runner, a Vulkan runner through ash, and a barebones pure software CPU runner) to actually run one of the "GPU crate" shaders.

    Run the example:

    cargo run --bin example-runner-wgpu

    This will build rustc_codegen_spirv, the compiler, then use that compiler to build sky-shader into a SPIR-V module, then finally, build a wgpu sample app (modified from wgpu's examples) using the built SPIR-V module to display the shader in a window.

You may need the development version (i.e. headers/etc. included) of some packages in some distributions to be able to build the examples - specifically, x11 and libxkbcommon, as well as gcc/clang with c++ support. These packages may be called (fedora) libX11-devel, libxkbcommon-x11-devel, and gcc-c++, or (ubuntu) libxkbcommon-x11-dev, libx11-dev, and gcc.

Using installed SPIRV-Tools

By default, all of the crates and examples in this repo will compile the spirv-tools-sys crate, including a lot of C++ code from SPIRV-Tools. If you don't want to build the C++ code because you already have SPIRV-Tools installed, or just don't want to spend more time compiling, you can build/run the crate with the use-installed-tools feature.

cargo run \
    --manifest-path examples/example-runner/Cargo.toml \
    --features use-installed-tools \

You should see warning: use-installed-tools feature on, skipping compilation of C++ code during the compilation, but otherwise the build will function just the same as if you compiled the C++ code, with the exception that it will fail if you don't have SPIRV-Tools installed correctly.