
The generate subcommand is the primary subcommand of cargo-about. It attempts to find and satisfy all license requirements for a crate's or workspace's dependency graph and generate licensing output based on one or more handlebar templates.


--all-features (single crate or workspace)

Enables all features when determining which crates to consider. Works for both single crates and workspaces.

--no-default-features (single crate only)

Disables the default feature for a crate when determining which crates to consider.


Scan licenses for the entire workspace, not just the active package.


Exits with a non-zero exit code if any crate's license cannot be reasonably determined


-c, --config

Path to the config to use. Will default to <manifest_root/about.toml> if not specified.

--features (single crate only)

Space-separated list of features to enable when determining which crates to consider.

-i, --include-local

Include local crates beneath one or more directories, local crates are disregarded by default.

-m, --manifest-path

The path of the Cargo.toml for the root crate, defaults to the current crate or workspace in the current working directory.

-n, --name

The name of the template to use when rendering. If only passing a single template file to templates this is not used.

-o, --output-file

A file to write the generated output to. Typically an .html file.

--threshold (default: 0.8)

The confidence threshold required for license files to be positively identified: 0.0 - 1.0

--format <json|handlebars> (default: handlebars)

The format to output the license + crate data in.



The template(s) or template directory to use. Must either be a .hbs file, or have at least one .hbs file in it if it is a directory. Required if --format = handlebars (the default).