The [licenses] section

Contains all of the configuration for cargo deny check license.


unlicensed = "warn"
allow-osi-fsf-free = "both"
copyleft = "deny"
default = "warn"
unused-allowed-license = "warn"
confidence-threshold = 0.95
deny = [
allow = [
    "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception",

ignore = true
registries = ["sekrets"]

allow = ["Zlib"]
name = "adler32"
version = "0.1.1"

name = "ring"
expression = "MIT AND ISC AND OpenSSL"
license-files = [
    { path = "LICENSE", hash = 0xbd0eed23 }

SPDX Identifiers

All identifiers used in the license configuration section are expected to be valid SPDX v2.1 short identifiers, either from version 3.11 of the SPDX License List, or use a custom identifier by prefixing it with LicenseRef-.

allow = [
    # The Apache license identifier
    # A custom license identifier

# Custom license refs can be specified for crates which don't use a license
# in the SPDX list
crate = "a-crate"
expression = "LicenseRef-Embark-Custom"
license-files = [
    { path = "LICENSE", hash = 0x001c7e6c },

License identifiers can also be coupled with an optional exception by appending WITH <exception-id> to the license identifier. Licenses coupled with exceptions are considered distinct from the same license without the exception.

allow = [
    # The Apache license identifier
    # The Apache license + LLVM-exception
    "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception",

The include-dev field (optional)

If true, licenses are checked even for dev-dependencies. By default this is false as dev-dependencies are not used by downstream crates, nor part of binary artifacts.

The version field (optional)

version = 2

The licenses section has an upcoming breaking change, with deprecation warnings for several fields that will be removed. Setting version = 2 will opt-in to the future default behavior.

The breaking change is as follows:

  • unlicensed - Removed, if a crate is unlicensed you should open an issue/PR to fix it, and in the meantime, you may add a clarification.
  • deny - Removed, all licenses are denied unless explicitly allowed
  • copyleft - Removed, all licenses are denied unless explicitly allowed
  • allow-osi-fsf-free - Removed, all licenses are denied unless explicitly allowed
  • default - Removed, all licenses are denied unless explicitly allowed

The unlicensed field (optional)

Determines what happens when a crate has not explicitly specified its license terms, and no license information could be confidently detected via LICENSE* files in the crate's source.

  • deny (default) - All unlicensed crates will emit an error and fail the license check
  • allow - All unlicensed crates will show a note, but will not fail the license check
  • warn - All unlicensed crates will show a warning, but will not fail the license check

The allow and deny fields (optional)

The licenses that should be allowed or denied, note that the same license cannot appear in both the allow and deny lists.


Note on GNU licenses

  • GPL
  • AGPL
  • LGPL
  • GFDL

The GNU licenses are, of course, different from all the other licenses in the SPDX list which makes them annoying to deal with. When supplying one of the above licenses, to either allow or deny, you must not use the suffixes -only or -or-later, as they can only be used by the license holder themselves to decide under which terms to license their code.

So, for example, if you wanted to disallow GPL-2.0 licenses, but allow GPL-3.0 licenses, you could use the following configuration.

allow = [ "GPL-3.0" ]
deny = [ "GPL-2.0" ]

This gets worse with the GFDL licenses, which also have an invariants modifier. Before licenses are checked they are normalized to make them consistent for all licenses.

Let's use GFDL-1.2 to show how license requirements are normalized.

  • GFDL-1.2-invariants-only => GFDL-1.2-invariants
  • GFDL-1.2-invariants-or-later => GFDL-1.2-invariants+
  • GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-only => GFDL-1.2
  • GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later => GFDL-1.2+
  • GFDL-1.2-only => GFDL-1.2
  • GFDL-1.2-or-later => GFDL-1.2+

So, for example, if you wanted to allow all version (1.1, 1.2, and 1.3), but only invariants for 1.3 you could use the following configuration.

allow = [ "GFDL-1.1", "GFDL-1.2", "GFDL-1.3", "GFDL-1.3-variants"]

The exceptions field (optional)

The license configuration generally applies to the entire crate graph, but this means that allowing any one license applies to all possible crates, even if only 1 crate actually uses that license. The exceptions field is meant to allow additional licenses only for particular crates, to make a clear distinction between licenses which you are fine with everywhere, versus ones which you want to be more selective about, and not have implicitly allowed in the future.

This field uses PackageSpecs to select the crate the exception applies to.

Additional exceptions configuration file

In some cases it's useful to have global cargo-deny config and project-local exceptions. This can be accomplished with a project exceptions file in any of these locations relative to your top level Cargo.toml manifest file.

cargo-deny will look for the following files: <cwd>/deny.exceptions.toml, <cwd>/.deny.exceptions.toml and <cwd>/.cargo/deny.exceptions.toml

Only the exceptions field should be set:

exceptions = [
    # Each entry is the crate and version constraint, and its specific allow list.
    { allow = ["CDDL-1.0"], crate = "inferno" },

The allow field

This is the exact same as the general allow field.

allow = [
exceptions = [
    # This is the only crate that cannot be licensed with either Apache-2.0
    # or MIT, so we just add an exception for it, meaning we'll get a warning
    # if we add another crate that also requires this license
    { crate = "cloudabi", allow = ["BSD-2-Clause"] },

The copyleft field (optional)


Determines what happens when a license that is considered copyleft is encountered.

  • warn (default) - Will emit a warning that a copyleft license was detected, but will not fail the license check
  • deny - The license is not accepted if it is copyleft, but the license check might not fail if the expression still evaluates to true
  • allow - The license is accepted if it is copyleft

The allow-osi-fsf-free field (optional)


Determines what happens when licenses aren't explicitly allowed or denied, but are marked as OSI Approved or FSF Free/Libre in version 3.23 of the SPDX License List.

  • both - The license is accepted if it is both OSI approved and FSF Free
  • either - The license is accepted if it is either OSI approved or FSF Free
  • osi - The license is accepted if it is OSI approved
  • fsf - The license is accepted if it is FSF Free
  • osi-only - The license is accepted if it is OSI approved and not FSF Free
  • fsf-only - The license is accepted if it is FSF Free and not OSI approved
  • neither (default) - No special consideration is given the license

The default field (optional)


Determines what happens when a license is encountered that:

  1. Isn't in the allow or deny lists
  2. Isn't copyleft
  3. Isn't OSI Approved nor FSF Free/Libre, or allow-osi-fsf-free = "neither"
  • warn - Will emit a warning that the license was detected, but will not fail the license check
  • deny (default) - The license is not accepted, but the license check might not fail if the expression still evaluates to true
  • allow - The license is accepted

The confidence-threshold field (optional)

cargo-deny uses askalono to determine the license of a LICENSE file. Due to variability in license texts because of things like authors, copyright year, and so forth, askalano assigns a confidence score to its determination, from 0.0 (no confidence) to 1.0 (perfect match). The confidence threshold value is used to reject the license determination if the score does not match or exceed the threshold.

0.0 - 1.0 (default 0.8)

The clarify field (optional)

In some exceptional cases, a crate will not have easily machine readable license information, and would by default be considered "unlicensed" by cargo-deny. As a (hopefully) temporary patch for using the crate, you can specify a clarification for the crate by manually assigning its SPDX expression, based on one or more files in the crate's source. cargo-deny will use that expression for as long as the source files in the crate exactly match the clarification's hashes.

This field uses PackageSpecs to select the crate the clarification applies to.

crate = "webpki"
expression = "ISC"
license-files = [
    { path = "LICENSE", hash = 0x001c7e6c },

The expression field

The SPDX license expression you are specifying as the license requirements for the crate.

The license-files field

Contains one or more files that will be checked to ensure the license expression still applies to a version of the crate.

The path field

The crate relative path to a file to be used as a source of truth.

The hash field

An opaque hash calculated from the file contents. This hash can be obtained from the output of the license check when cargo-deny can't determine the license of the file in question.

The private field (optional)

It's often not useful or wanted to check for licenses in your own private workspace crates. So the private field allows you to do so.

The ignore field

If true, workspace members will not have their license expression checked if they are not published.

# Cargo.toml
name = "sekret"
license = "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
publish = false # "private"!
# deny.toml
# The sekret package would be ignored now
private = { ignore = true }

The registries field

A list of private registries you may publish your workspace crates to. If a workspace member only publishes to private registries, it will also be ignored if private.ignore = true

# Cargo.toml
name = "sekret"
license = "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
publish = ["sauce"]
# deny.toml
# Still ignored!
private = { ignore = true, registries = ["sauce"] }

The ignore-sources field

A list of registries that crates can be sourced from that will not have their licenses checked.

# deny.toml
ignore = true
ignore-sources = [""]

The unused-allowed-license field (optional)

Determines what happens when one of the licenses that appears in the allow list is not encountered in the dependency graph.

  • warn (default) - A warning is emitted for each license that appears in license.allow but which is not used in any crate.
  • allow - Unused licenses in the licenses.allow list are ignored.
  • deny - An unused license in the licenses.allow list triggers an error, and cause the license check to fail.